Wednesday, April 06, 2011


Okay, I admit it--I'm awful at keeping up on this blog. But that's okay, because by now no one reads it anymore! I'm going to keep writing when I can and want to write, but it's for me, not anyone in cyberspace so I don't really care if no one reads it anymore (she tells herself to make herself feel better!). Alright, here I go... Elias has been such fun to get to know. In some ways, he has a very strong personality and likes to be in charge and in other ways, he is a complete follower and will do whatever the 'leader' in the room is doing. He is so funny the way he acts and says things, but he gets really angry if anyone dares to laugh at him. He is ALL boy and loves trucks, motorcyles, big machinery, guns, army men, etc. He learned what a bazooka was from his older brother, (playing army men with him) and so at 18 months, one of his first words was 'bazooka' and he'd walk around with a construction noodle (like a short swim noodle with a stiff middle) on his shoulder making shooting noises. He loves to laugh and finds humor in so many instances that we'd miss otherwise. He has a very real sense of right and wrong and loves to verify that certain things are 'nice' or 'mean' or 'good' or 'bad.' He loves to be with me and do whatever I'm doing, but he's also very good at using his imagination and entertaining himself. He's never really watched movies or TV much and I think because of it, he's better at playing pretend than the other kids. He can sit for hours with random toys making up endless stories. He reminds me of 'Andy' on Toy Story. I can't wait to get to know him better as he grows! I love him SO much and know he'll grow up to be someone great! (kinda like all my kids!)