Thursday, January 03, 2008


My sister, Ariane, tagged me, so here's my answers to the following questions (some of the questions were dumb, like who's taller, so I took them off and added different ones):
How long have you been together? 8 years, married 7 1/2
How long did you date? We were friends for about 6 months, dated for about 2 1/2 after that and were engaged for 3 months after that--pretty quick movers, I guess.
How old is he? 31
How old are you? 27
Who said I love you first? Dale
Who sings better? I do; Dale's tonedeaf, but he has other talents, so that's ok
Who is smarter? hard to say--but I am right most of the time! Just kidding! The funny thing is, I majored in marketing and Dale got a better grade in the one marketing class we took together and he majored in accounting and I got a better grade in the acounting class that we took together.
Who does the laundry? Me; Dale tries to help, but I usually get too annoyed cuz he forgets to use fabric softener and the clothes get all static-y. My kids like to think they help and they're actually starting to become better at sorting and I let them fold their own clothes (if only they would always consider that a privilege!)
Who does the dishes? Dale--he's such a good husband!
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Currently, if you're laying in the bed, I'm on the right, but we switch sometimes if the furniture gets rearranged. I like to sleep farthest from the door (I get paranoid about bad guys coming in and need Dale between them and me. Our last bedroom was very difficult because it had two doors and I had to be closest to one of them. I had to just not think about it--I know, I'm weird.)
Who pays the bills? I do, but Dale does the budget
Who mows the lawn? I do, but I'm hoping Dale will next summer.
Who cooks dinner? I do, and Dale makes lunch.
Who drives when you are together? Me--I love to drive and Dale doesn't; plus I have a really good sense of direction and Dale has a terrible one.
Who is more stubborn? Well, I would say Dale is and he would say I am, so I guess we're both pretty darn stubborn.
Who kissed whom first? I guess he kissed me first,
but I looked up at him cuz I figured he was going to try.
Who asked whom out? Dale asked me out several times; I went as a friend, but when I found out he was interested in a relationship I told him "no way!" It took me several months of friendship before I decided I liked him more than just a friend. He says he was in love from the second time we met.
Who is more sensitive? I get sad easier, but Dale definitely gets mad easier
Who has more friends? Dale; I don't have very many friends outside of family members
Who has more siblings? me - 1 sister, 4 brothers; Dale has 2 brothers and 2 sisters
What do you like to do together? Watch movies, play with our kids, read

I don't know if anyone reads this, but if you do, I tag Darci, Audrey, and Tamra

1 comment:

Ariane said...

yeah, I thought some of the questions were dumb, but I didn't want to disappoint the friend that tagged me. I didn't think about changing them to more interesting ones though.