Saturday, November 08, 2008


Elias was Winnie the Pooh.
Elora was a princess.
(I made the dress. It took me forever. My machine kept messing up. I was ready to give up and just have her wear dress-up clothes, but I finally figured out what was wrong and finished the dress half an hour before we went trick-or-treating.)

Dalan was Luke Skywalker. Well, he switched between Luke and Anakin, but whatever. I made his outfit, too, but you can't see it very well in this picture.

Kydee's costume was the biggest hit of the school and Halloween party. She was originally going to be a princess with a dress just like Elora's, but you know about the troubles with my sewing machine. The night before Halloween I gave up on making something and decided I needed to throw something together that did not require sewing. I looked at the local thrift store, and although I didn't find a costume, I saw this tablecloth. I remembered seeing a costume like this in a magazine, so I decided we could do it.

(She's an ant at a picnic, by the way!)

We went to a straw maze a couple of weeks before Halloween with some friends of ours and had lots of fun getting lost. It was so cold, but we brought some hot chocolate and dressed warm. It was in the 30's that day, but luckily Halloween was really warm. We didn't even need to wear coats, just warm clothes, even at 9pm. It was so great!

Hope everyone had a great Halloween! We're looking forward to Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

Dave said...


I like the full body suit. Where did you find that thing? It is classic!
