Thursday, August 14, 2008

Family Scripture Study

Here's some pictures of a typical family scripture study. We read scriptures together every night before family prayer and bedtime. It was kind of hard to get into the habit, but now that it's part of the bedtime routine, our kids don't let us forget it. Sometimes it feels like the kids don't pay attention, or that they fight over who crossed who's line on the couch, but then they say things like "Why do the Nephites keep going back and forth; good then bad, then good, then bad? Why don't they just stay good?" or "Lehi and Nephi were really powerful missionaries, huh?" That's when it's all worth it!

Dale usually reads while the rest of us listen.

Here's Kydee, Elora, and Dalan sitting next to me on the couch, listening so well.

Elias nursing while we read. (Hope this doesn't offend anyone!)

Elias crying because I made him stop nursing so I could get a picture. (Isn't he so cute?!)

Anyway, for everyone struggling with family scripture and prayer, just keep at it, no matter what happens, even if it's just a few verses. The kids will get better at sitting still and paying attention and they really do learn, even when it feels like they have no idea what is going on. It really makes our home have less fighting and gets the kids in the habit of reading their scriptures and making them part of their lives.

1 comment:

barrettandaudrey said...

I love it! It was so fun to see you guys! Your kids are darling! We hope to see you again soon.