Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Our family portrait

Ok, since some of you have requested a picture of Dale and I, here's a family portrait we had taken January of 2007. That was before I was pregnant with Elias and before I cut my hair (you can't see it very well, but it was almost to my waist then); now I weigh 25 pounds more and have hair that's just past my shoulders. I soon hope to lose the weight and am growing my hair out again, so we'll just pretend I still look like that. Elias is obviously missing from this photograph, as well. We're planning on getting another family picture soon, but we'll see how that goes. I was going to schedule the appointment last week, and then Dalan got a black eye while he was playing on the playground. It seems like something like that happens everytime I'm going to schedule our session. This picture may be on here for a year, the way things go around here. Anyway, now you know what we look like.

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